Top 5 tips – Travelling Abroad with Food Allergies

we can eat...  Travelling Abroad with Food Allergies Tips

Hey we can eaters! How you all doing?

Now, I don’t mean to brag but I only have 8 days until we’ll be off to The Dominican Republic…Whoop Whoop!  Don’t get me wrong, I’m super excited to be taking a well-deserved  2 week break, but at the same time I’m extremely nervous. I know you’re probably thinking; “This woman is crazy!” But this will be the first time I’ll be taking my 7 year old son abroad and he has multiple life threatening allergies.

My son is allergic to; eggs, nuts and milk and since his diagnosis I’ve been able to control and closely monitor everything he eats and what’s around him, so the sudden thought of not having control sent me into a complete panic! Below I’ve created my top 5 recommendations for parents travelling abroad with children with allergies:

Before you go

Get a letter for any medication

We always have to travel with Amari’s epipen, so my number one priority was to get a letter from Amari’s doctors to confirm we can travel with his allergy medication and carry two epinephrine auto-injectors. It cost £20 for the doctor sign, but the cost will be different depending on what your Doctors surgery charges

Top up on all medication

To make sure we don’t run out of any prescribed medication I topped up on all Amari’s eczema creams and oral antihistamines. Make sure you have enough medication.

Tell the airline & hotel

We booked the holiday with Thomson Holidays and notified them about Amari’s allergies before booking the holiday. They were great and informed the airline and the hotel. We are staying the new Azul Sensatori resort in Punta Cana, so look out for the snaps and blog posts. I’ll keep you posted on how well they cater for people with food allergies.

Travel with freefrom snacks

I’ll be packing all of Amari’s favourite pre-packaged freefrom snacks for him to eat on the plane. I checked Thomson Holidays if there will be any restrictions of what we can carry on the flight. They confirmed anything that isn’t pre-packaged will not be allowed.

Medical Allergy bracelet

I’ve order a couple of medical allergy bracelets for Amari to wear, so all staff at the resort can be alerted about his allergies.

Since doing all the above, I definitely feel a lot more at ease. These websites have also been really helpful:

Travel safe we can eaters and if you have any allergy travelling tips, please share them with us


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