The countdown has begun for my Allergy UK run

So I have under two weeks left until I take part in a 10k fun run called Run To The Beat to support Allergy UK.

I signed up to Run To The Beat in April and it just feels like the months has flew past so quickly, there is only 13 days left to try and raise as much money as I can.

So I've been trying to train for this event, I've been going to the gym and I've been running on the treadmill but I get bored really quick so in the attempt of getting fitter I've tried alternative exercises. I've taken part in Zumba - which I love, Aerobics and Insanity. Have any of you guys tried Insanity? I don't think I felt my legs for a few days after lol

I always see people running outdoors so I decided to join them. I absolutely loved it - the fresh air, the sun going down in the evening, the pavements and road provides an incline that makes my run just that little bit more interesting. I'm definitely going to keep this up even after the event.

Just look at that view! 

Okay so enough about me...back to the cause! The reasons I am passionate about supporting Allergy UK are:

  • Allergy UK provides information about allergies and intolerance's and helps people gain a better understanding.
  • Allergy UK have trained staff to offer advice and support to families and people living with allergies. 
  • They offer information about the various allergy tests, they make it super easy to understand so it doesn't seem as scary. 
  • Allergy UK focuses on various allergies such as food, hair dyes, pet hairs, asthma etc so it's a very inclusive charity. 
  • Allergy UK's approves manufacturers that produce allergy free products - this will reassure the consumer that it is safe for them to use. 

Thanks for reading xx
