So what's your New Years Resolution?


Hasn't the year 2014 gone in the blink of a second? A lot of amazing things happened in 2014 for me, but it didn't start off that way. I entered 2014 in complete kaos and full of doubt and ended the year as a newly wed and setting up a business with my bestie! When I think of how 2015 is starting in comparison to 2014, my head is filled with excitement about all the exciting possibilites that await us.

My 2015 Goals are;

  • Launch new this space
  • Make sure my husband and I have regular date nights
  • Take our son on holiday
  • Cook a new #freefrom recipe every month
  • Never doubt my own abilities
  • Spend more time with family and friends
  • Go to the gym.

Have you started to  plan for 2015? If so, I'd love to hear what your goals and priorities are for the coming year! Hope you all have a fabulous 2015!
