Want to know 3 ways to use organic honey? Well Live Sunnah teaches us something new

I absolutely love honey!

I use it wherever I can....in my cooking, porridge, desserts, pancakes, and I mustn't forget my good old pick me up.. drinking honey and lemon tea.

I've discovered a new organic brand called Live Sunnah...I can't get enough of it.

The flavours I've tried so far is Organic honey, Honey with infused cinnamon, lastly honey and

Organic Honey - Cinnamon infused honey, Ginger infused honey and  Wild flower honey

Honey and bagel with Dairy free 

Homemade gluten free pancakes and honey

Natural yoghurt, honey and strawberries

I wanted to find out more about Live Sunnah...check out the interview below

Tell us a bit about yourself and your company?

We are are partnership business formed in Bolton, North-west.
Our company is a wholefood and health food retailer. We formed this company to meet the growing demand for natural products to improve health and whole being. We started this business due to our own passionate perspectives on healthy living based of the principles set by the prophet Muhammad (saw).  

How long has the business been running?

We started our business 24th October 2014, which advertised locally via word of mouth and online via social medias.

What inspired you to start selling honey?

A few inspirations help fuel this idea but the main reason was because of the Prophet's (saw) love for honey and the many health benefits that it has.

Why is it important for people to incorporate honey into their lifestyle?

Its an ancient natural medicine that has been used for thousands of years and has been mentioned in the holy scriptures aswel,  it comes with countless health benefits, from treating allergies, to fighting infections, rejuvenating the Skin, boosting the Immune System, lowering the risk of heart disease, being natural antibiotic, and the list goes on

Tell me three ways to use honey that people may not be aware of -

1 A table spoon of Honey in a glass of luke warm water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach has immense benefits, too much to list

2 Cinnamon paste and honey

1. Dissolve a teaspoon of cinnamon powder (or ground cinnamon) in a cup of boiling water. 
2. Stir and cover to let the cinnamon steep for 20 to 30 minutes. (Shorten the waiting time if you prefer a thinner drink.)
3. Filter away any big particles and add a teaspoon of honey. (The cinnamon residue can also be consumed, but removing it helps to make a much more palatable cleansing drink. Downing a cup of spicy, chalky suspension with an empty stomach first thing in the morning is not an easy feat for all. But if you don't mind drinking with the residue at all, reduce the amount of ground cinnamon and use just half a teaspoon of it.) 
4. Take it in the morning with an empty stomach about half an hour before breakfast. Repeat for a few weeks to see results.
3 You can also use honey to treat minor burnd effectively. Its antibacterial and antifungal properties can prevent bacterial growth and the antimicrobial properties prevent infection.
If you have a minor burn, simply apply raw honey to the affected area. Within sometime, you will feel relief from the burning and itching sensation and pain. You must apply honey on the minor burn several times a day for several days in order to promote fast healing.

And finally, where do you see your business in two or three years time?

Aswel as having an improved health food awareness, We see ourselves having a wider range of products, aswel as a wider distribution and customer base, we hope to have our products on shelves up and down the country, and outlets and shops to experience our vision of living naturally and in line with the Prophetic Sunnah

If you would like to learn more about Live Sunnah you can follow them on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook @Livesunnah
