We've gone and launched a Kickstarter campaign!

We can eat needs your help!

Hey #WeCanEaters

We've got great news to report.... we've launched a Kickstarter camapign to help finalise our new online platform that will help people with allergies or specific dietary requirements search for places to eat out.

We only  launched the  campaign yesterday which will help finalise developments for the website and app we plan to launch later on in the year.
We've  already started significant work on the platform which allows people to; search for allergy free meals or cuisines for their specific dietary needs, view restaurant menus,  save their favourite meals and share across social networks. The platform will be completely free for people to use. 

After my son was diagnosed with mulitple life threatening allergies to nuts, dairy and eggs our family life changed completely and simple things such as finding places to eat out to  accommodate his allergies became extremely challenging. It was some years after my  sons diagnosis when my best and I decided to set up our own business.

Our  Kickstarter campaign began yesterday and we are trying to raise £10,000 to finalise our new venture and the funding will enable us to push ahead with plans to launch our service later on this year.

With the number of allergy sufferers growing each year,  we can eat will be a fantastic new platform to help inform people where they can eat out based on their dietary needs.

We have until 27th July to reach our Kickstarter goal.

How you can help us:

      - Mentioning it on your blog and link to our project.

·        - Mentioning and sharing the project url link with your followers through social networks using the #VoteWeCanEat

·         - Pledging your support.
Thanks for all your help #VoteWeCanEat
