5 mins with... With the dream team behind the Veganuary campaign

Getting to know Veganuary 

In celebration of Veganuary month we are taking the opportunity to have a chat with some of the dream team, helping to make it easier for people to go vegan. Today, we get to meet the team behind the Veganuary campaign!

Veganuary aims to reduce the suffering of animals by inspiring and supporting people across the globe to go vegan for the month of January.

1: Hey Jane, Matthew, Sally and Clea, I imagine things are super busy for you all at the moment, so thank you for spending a few minutes with we can eat. For people who’ve never heard of Veganuary, can you tell us a little bit more about the iniatitive?

As a non-profit organisation, Veganuary is dedicated to changing public attitudes, while providing all the information and practical support required to make the transition to veganism as easy and enjoyable as possible. Veganuary has had an incredible degree of success in a very short time and is changing lives all over the world.

Veganuary’s founders, Jane and Matthew, knew that month-long pledges were not unusual, but felt that it could be done differently, and perhaps more successfully, by focusing on the month of January; a time for resolutions and new beginnings.

Veganuary.com is the largest website of its kind on the web. With expert advice and information, it provides all the answers to Why go vegan, but it is the support offered to answer How to go vegan that truly sets Veganuary apart.

Dedicated to providing this information to a global audience, Veganuary.com will be translated into many languages, with this page being the first section translated in each. In time, Veganuary aims to have fully-functioning versions of Veganuary.com in all the main world languages.
Kitten By Jacob Davies. Reproduced under a creative Commons licence


Veganuary’s vision is a world where veganism is a mainstream lifestyle choice, with positive action at all levels of society and government to promote the benefits of plant-based eating.


We specialise in inspiring and educating people to make a significant lifestyle change, and then provide the support they need to help maintain it.


Non-judgemental, approachable, realistic and fresh. Veganuary’s communications are designed to appeal to the wider, non-vegan community, as we believe this is key to achieving our vision. We have created safe, welcoming, and kind environments on all of our communication platforms and are committed to keeping them this way.

Love Animals. Reproduced under a creative Commons Licence

2. What vegan product couldn’t you live without?

Matthew: Nak’d Bars

Jane: Vego chocolate bar!

Clea: That’s easy...Nutritional Yeast!

Sally: That’s a tough one...But I’d have to say, Peanut Power Trek bars.

3: What exciting things have you got planned during the month?

We have lots of exciting competitions lined up throughout January. You can get your hands on free vegan food products and lots of other wonderful things to help make trying vegan that little bit easier! 

We're also sending out daily e-newsletters with all the top tips on the various aspects of vegan living and Veganuary.com is filled with lots of new information this year, including a vegan starter kit complete with meal plans, a label reading guide and accidentally vegan products to see you through the month and beyond!

4: For anyone considering going vegan, can you provide any top tips?

1. Be patient with yourself, changing habits takes time and it's inevitable that you'll have some slip ups along the way. Just persevere.

2. Make use of Veganuary's online resource - http://www.veganuary.com as well as our social media channels - Facebook Page & Group, Twitter, Instagram!

3. If you're feeling overwhelmed, make changes in your lifestyle step-by-step, day-by-day until you feel confident to move on to the next thing.

4. Remember who and what you're doing it for if you ever feel like giving in - the animals, the environment, your own personal health.

It was great getting to know a little bit more about the Veganuary campaign.

 For anyone wanting to find out more information:

Visit the Veganuary website to get motivated

Follow the Veganuary Twitter account for top tips

Like the Veganuary Facebook Page 

Follow the Veganuary Instagram account
