NEW RECIPE! Homemade Dairy Free Chocolate Rice Krispy Cakes

Try these Dairy Free Chocolate Rice Krispy Cakes

As a kid I was a big fan of making chocolate rice krispy cakes and have always felt my son was missing out because he cannot eat dairy, egg or nuts.  But then I had a brainwave of using my son's left over free from Easter Egg chocolate to make chocolate Kripsy cakes.


1 melted moo free dairy free chocolate easter egg
Rice Krispies


Melt your moo free chocolate gently over  boiling water 

Once the chocolate is melted, stir in your Rice Krispies. This was my son's favourite part! 

Once mixed, spoon your mix into paper cake cases.

Place your paper cake cases onto tray and leave them to chill in the fridge for 15- 20 minutes.

Then hey presto you have chocolate Rice Krispy cakes :)  

End results:

My son loves the taste of them and making them and so did I! The great thing about this simple recipe is that its also suitable for vegans too.

Please let me know if you try this recipe and share your pictures using the hashtag #wecaneat xx
